
Widosari Peak, Ngargosari, Samigaluh, Kulon Progo

May 19, 2015

Last week, i went to Widosari Peak with my friend. Took some pictures in the early morning, it was very exciting. Started from Yogyakarta at 04.45 am and reached Widosari Peak at 06.35 am. The atmosphere was very fresh and quiet. Early morning always become my choice to go to somewhere new, enjoy the place, and take pictures.

 Widosari Peak is one of many tourism places, in Samigaluh. Located in Ngargosari village, Samigaluh, Kulon Progo, this new tourism place wasn’t too crowded. The peak can be reached by tracking about 10 minutes from parking area. When reaching Widosari Peak, we will be able to enjoy Menoreh green hills. We can enjoy the beautiful sunset scene when the sun goes down. Combinations between green hills, dusk, and sunset will amaze the tourist. Located near from Kukusan Peak, Widosari Peak hasn’t so popular as Kukusan Peak. It’s because in Kukusan Peak we can see sunrise scene as beautiful as sunset scene, while in Widosari Peak we only get perfect sunset scene.

Widosari Peak
View from the peak
Menoreh hills

Accessibility :
Widosari Peak only be reached by motorcyle or bicycle. The road is very narrow, zigzag, and hilly. After arrive at parking area,  we continue with tracking to the peak about 10 minutes.

Route to the location (from jogja) :
Godean street – Progo Bridge – Kenteng crossroad (turn right) – Dekso crossroad (turn left) – Balai Desa Purwoharjo – Balai Desa Gerbosari – Balai Desa Ngargosari - Plono t-junction (market), turn right – Nglinggo tea garden – go straight, about 3 km – turn right (see the direction board) – Widosari Peak

The best time to visit this place :
Early morning and afternoon are the best time to visit this place. Fresh air, green hills, slightly fog that flow between hills, and sunshine can be enjoyed when we visit this place at the perfect time. I suggest you to visit this place at afternoon (at 5 - 6 pm) and you can see the beautiful sunset scene. Sunrise at this place is not good enough, because the sun was blocked by hills in the east.

The nearest tourism place :

Nglinggo Tea Garden and Kendeng Peak 

Widosari Stone

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4 komentar

  1. Replies
    1. matur suwun mas. salam kenal yak. salam jalan jalan

  2. Bisa di coba nih.... Nyari motor yg sehat dulu

    1. semoga cuaca cerah mas. jangan lupa cek kondisi rem motor juga. hehe

